Tuesday, 22 October 2013

32 Week Growth Scan

Yesterday morning I wandered over to the hospital for my final scan, which was to check the growth rate of our baby. We're so pleased that everything is fine and her weight is progressing well.

The sonographer told me that our baby is 43 - 44cm from head to toe, and is already in the head down/optimum birth position which is great news.

Unfortunately Sam was unable to make it to the appointment with me as he was hard at work. We couldn't have any scan photos as the scan is zoomed in too much. But just seeing her moving around and her heart beating was so amazing.

The day beforehand we visited the hospital to have a look around the MLU (Midwife Led Unit) which is upstairs in St Michaels hospital. It opened in June this year so we're very lucky we are able to use these new facilities just down the road from our flat.

We're so close to our baby's arrival and are both so excited - her birth really is just around the corner!


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