Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Learning Languages

Fun To Learn Spanish - John Grisewood, Kingfisher Publications

I studied Spanish on an evening course for 4 years before Eve came along. Needless to say, after the past couple of years I feel that I've forgotten most of it. 

I was an au pair to three young children in Spain one summer during university holidays. I barely knew a word of Spanish when I went out to Barcelona. By the end of my visit I had learnt enough to 'get by.' I had learnt mainly from the kids, the tv and from the children's picture books. So, when I saw this Spanish picture book in a charity shop I thought it would be helpful not only for my course, but also as I had hoped for many years that Sam and I would one day have a baby.

 Image from Not On The High Street

It would be great if we learnt languages from a young age in Britain. When travelling through Europe I always feel inferior to everyone else, who often speak a number of languages, or at least the base of a couple. In Britain we don't start learning languages until we go to secondary school at the age of 11, I think this is far too late to start learning. The kids I looked after in Spain were 2, 4 and 5 years, and after a summer holiday spent with me they had learnt more English than I had learnt Spanish (but maybe that's just me being slow...) 

It's true isn't it, children really do suck everything up like sponges. Eve repeats everything we say and is always asking us what particular items are. She noticed this Spanish book on the shelf in her room a couple of weeks ago and asked me to read it. Each double page is a theme, like, at the swimming pool, in the park, at the beach or in the house. She absolutely loves it, and repeats the words after me as we look at the various scenes. As we go through the book together the beauty of the Spanish language is coming back to me.

Image from Not On The High Street

I am quite surprised at how much she enjoys looking at this book, as it's not a story, but it just goes to show how inquisitive children are. My dear friend Laura's girls go to a French pre-school in Bristol and she has spoken both English and French to her daughters at home since birth. I would love Eve to have more opportunity with foreign languages.

I love the Spanish language because words are spoken how they are written, my brain understands this. I'm afraid that I find French quite difficult to follow. Sam and I learnt some basic Italian when we travelled to Italy for our honeymoon, and we've also learnt some Greek. Embarrassingly, my husband speaks better Greek than I do, and I'm half Greek. He travels to Greece often for djing and has more opportunity to speak with Greek people. However, I'm sure that between us we can teach Eve some basic Greek.

The Fun to Learn Spanish children's book by John Grisewood, Kingfisher publications is available on Amazon for less than a quid, or you'll probably find something similar in a second hand book shop.

Michel Thomas is the don when it comes to learning a language. Sam and I have studied languages like this over the past decade. My mother-in-law gave me the Spanish 8 cd box set years ago when I was laid up in bed for a few weeks. Now of course, Michel's lessons can be downloaded with ease. Sam and I also learnt Italian and Greek from Michel. It's life changing stuff when you realise that you can learn a language without writing or studying from books. It doesn't feel like hard work; it really is fun.

I don't think that the Michel Thomas method aims a course specifically at children, but I'm guessing that if you played the audio in the car your kids would join in with you. We don't go on long drives very often, but the next time we do I think we'll definitely try this with Eve.

Michel Thomas explaining his language method to Sofia Loren.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Daddy and Eve on the Cuts

Daddy and Eve have turned heads last week online. Each Wednesday morning when Sam looks after Eve they play in his studio on the decks, his drum kit and with various percussion instruments that we have. 

Music is life, and life is music. We love to have music on in our house constantly in some shape or form, and feel that it is an important for Eve to be able to express herself through music as she grows up. As you all know, Eve just loves to sing, and has been singing herself to sleep since she was five and a half months old. Often on a Saturday morning she will sing in bed for a good half an hour before she starts calling for us to get up.

Eve sings a variety of songs but in the last few months has been making up her own. She freestyles songs about her friends at nursery, about mummy and daddy, about Granny Lops and her dogs; all sorts. 

Whilst Sam was away DJing in Greece I started the long, crazy process of categorising his record collection. This means that there are records everywhere for Eve to pick up as she wanders about the studio. She loves choosing records to put on the turntables, and will stare intently at what Dad is doing as he plays and scratches the records. 

Last Sunday I got this great video of them having fun on the decks. It's now been seen by a few thousand people online, mad huh. Eve also likes playing with the QFO which is great fun as it can be speeded up or slowed down to a greater extent than usual turntables. This is inline with her, 'fast fast, sloooooow' that she likes to shout as she is charging and then pausing round the house.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Diggers and Paper Men

 Digger time in the park.

I'm off to work in Italy next weekend for 5 days, so this weekend we relaxed at home and generally had a nice time in each others company.

As far as weekends go, this one was a great success in terms of Eve eating meals. Meal times at home are quite often a struggle no matter what Sam and I try to do, and this can of course affect the rest of the day - wanting more snacks, grumpiness, tiredness etc. However, this weekend Eve sat down to eat meals with us with great gusto and ploughed her way into the dishes that I had prepared. Watching her happily chomping her way through three fish fingers last night for dinner (unseen before) was one of the highlights of my weekend. She even ate a veggie pasta dish that I made - I went back to basics and blended the sauce, as she refuses pasta so often these days. 

When she was ill she ate barely a thing for 2 weeks and was a bit slow getting back into it. She wasn't even eating much breakfast, which is usually the one meal of the day that she is happiest about. 

We were given some rather yummy Green and Blacks organic cocoa powder for Christmas, so Sam sprinkled a little of it on top of Eve's Ready Brek one morning. Eve absolutely loved it and now calls this particular breakfast 'Chocolate Magic.' The good thing is that this cocoa powder doesn't have any sugar in it, it's just pure ground cocoa. 

After having my Saturday afternoon coffee (I've never been a tea/coffee drinker as caffeine affects me quite badly), I flew off into serious productivity and re-arranged our lounge. I have a coffee on a Saturday afternoon as it gives me the power to stay up for a few extra hours with Sam so that we can watch a movie and have a some drinks together. 

It seems that we re-arrange our house every 3 months or so to cater for Eve's needs and requirements. We moved a small cupboard downstairs to stash away some of her toys. We also moved her art table to create a more accessible area where she can find the things that she wants to play with. 

Her toy area gets a bit too much for my mind sometimes and I just have to tidy and make changes to it, we're very lucky to have such a great variety of toys and games for her.

Image by

Yesterday afternoon I remembered that I had bought Eve a new pack of pens from the Poundshop. She was very excited and came to sit with me at the table to do some drawing. I bought a pack of paper men for her at Easter but she was too ill to use them. We had a lovely time drawing on them, and when Daddy came downstairs from working in the studio he also joined in the fun and drew a pumpkin man. I loved watching Eve carefully drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth. She even drew hair and a chin on one of them. As an art student I was super impressed and very proud of her.

She did get very messy this weekend, covering herself in black and pink ink which was fine as it meant that she was excited to go for a bubble bath last night. I told her to give Daddy a kiss as it was time for us to go upstairs. She ran over to him and kissed him and then flung out her arms to hug him. She then told him how much she loved him and that he was a 'good girl' - she meant good boy of course. As we proceeded to try to get upstairs for the bath, she kept running back to him and hugging him. It was the biggest show of love, and Sam and I both had happy tears in our eyes.

I took Eve on a couple of walks into the woods this weekend. Well, when I say walks, I walked and she slept in the pram. The weather was lovely for walking and I really enjoyed breathing in the fresh air and grounded myself for the week ahead. I'm already worrying about missing Eve next week whilst I'm away, but Granny T is coming to stay to collect her from nursery, so I know that they'll have a great time together.

Monday, 11 April 2016

Weekend Fun Times

It's been a bit of an Angelina Ballerina themed weekend. We've been looking through Angelina books at bedtime for the past couple of months. Eve particularly likes the 'Angelina Ballerina Invitation to the Ballet' book as she likes to pull out the little cards, invitations and posters from the envelopes inside the book.

I remembered on Saturday morning that I had bought the Angelina Ballerina Pop Up Dancing School from a charity shop ages ago, which was sitting on the shelf waiting to be used.

I pulled it out to show Eve and she was ecstatic. We took it downstairs, where I tied the two halves of the book together. One pop up room is the bedroom, the other is the dance studio, and the biggest is the theatre. Eve happily played with it all weekend, and especially likes putting her little plastic Peppa pig characters to bed in the dance school beds.

One of Eve's favourite bedtime books

Whilst I was making breakfast, Sam and Eve played with the dance theatre in the lounge. Sam asked me if there was a game that they could play together. I remembered that we also had an Angelina giant floor puzzle on the shelf. (I buy these things when I see them in charity shops, and then have to wait for Eve to be old enough to enjoy them).

Eve had a good time telling Daddy where the puzzle pieces were supposed to go. Eve and I later finished the puzzle. I wanted to show the finished thing to Daddy, but Eve was adamant that she must pull it apart and put it back in the box. She has a strong character and likes to do things her own way...

I cooked lunch that morning, and we pottered about at home, watered the garden and played inside. Eve refused to eat her lunch - standard, oh the trials... In the afternoon we walked up to the playground in Knowle, as we hadn't been there for a while. On the way home Eve fell asleep in the pram, so Sam and I placed our bets in the bookies for the Grand National.

Redcatch park, Knowle, Bristol

Half way home, Eve woke up and said she needed the potty. We sat her on the 'My Carry Potty' behind a bus stop, then put her back in the pram where she went back to sleep. That portable potty is worth it's weight in gold.

Eve and Arthur playing a fun game - putting stones in the hole.

On Sunday morning we were up and out by 9.30am. We met Ocky and Arthur at Windmill Hill City Farm. Last Monday Eve asked us if she could go to the farm with Arthur soon. I messaged Ocky to arrange it. Eve and Arthur are so relaxed together, even when they don't see each other for long periods of time. Arthur was very cute, wandering about the allotment pointing out different numbers on signs. He even grabbed hold of Sam's hand to show him some numbers; a lovely moment.

Eve and Arthur exploring in the woods

I love the new woodland play area that has been made within the farm.

Daddy digger time.

Eve is so big that she now climbs on and off this duck with ease. 
She used to sit on the tiny ducks when she was small.

Ocky, Arthur, Sam and Eve - happy times.

After the farm we headed home to prepare lunch as Grandad Col and Jeggsy were coming over. Eve said that she wanted to go to sleep in her pram, so Dad took her for a circuit of the woods whilst I prepped lunch and did a bit of gardening. Eve was a really good girl during lunch and it went smoothly, phew. She absolutely loved showing Grandad Col n Jeggs her toys; especially the whoopie cushion - she laughed and laughed. This weekend Eve put her shoes on each foot correctly and did up the velcro. Getting dressed is getting so much easier, great stuff.

Sunday playtime in the sunshine

Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Open For Business

After months of hard work and preparation, I took part in the BS4 Market on Sunday. This local produce/craft market is at the end of my road on the first Sunday of each month, so I thought it would be a good place to start my new endeavour.

This Sicilian lady baked all of these wonderful cakes, foccacia and arancini - 
we were blown away - these delights were absolutely divine.

My other favourite stall at the market was Bella Boho Gifts, who specialise in die cut designs. They use some really cool fabrics, wallpapers and found materials behind, to show through.

These art works would make wonderful presents - not just for baby gifts, but for weddings, birthdays etc, you name it :-)

Thankfully my mum came up from Cornwall to help me out, and Sam took care of Eve all day. The sun was shining on and off throughout the day and I really enjoyed talking to people about my terrariums. I was given positive feedback and even made a profit, so I am pleased that it's got off to a good start. I'm working on a website, so watch this space!

Daddy brought Eve out to see my stall, which was really nice. I had taken our kitchen table to use for my stall, so she wouldn't eat her lunch at home. Dad set Eve's lunch up on her little play table, but she refused to eat it. We were all quite tired by the end of the day, but Eve was really pleased to see me. She had a lovely time playing with her toy shop, pretending to be like Mummy which was cute. We had a nice half hour together before bed time, tickling and laughing.

Eve with her shop (and a milk mustache)

Eve and I had a nice time together on Saturday morning. She helped me water the plants in the garden and then we went to the park together.

Making 'sand castles' with a turtle and shell which we found in the sand pit. 
She's getting much better at flipping them over, and was very excited when she saw her creations.

Daddy and I even got to spend some time together on Friday - 
just us two for lunch, chatting with beers - bliss...

This morning Eve ate all of her cereal at breakfast, for the first time in the last two weeks. She's finally better and much happier. Hurrah.