Monday 18 April 2016

Diggers and Paper Men

 Digger time in the park.

I'm off to work in Italy next weekend for 5 days, so this weekend we relaxed at home and generally had a nice time in each others company.

As far as weekends go, this one was a great success in terms of Eve eating meals. Meal times at home are quite often a struggle no matter what Sam and I try to do, and this can of course affect the rest of the day - wanting more snacks, grumpiness, tiredness etc. However, this weekend Eve sat down to eat meals with us with great gusto and ploughed her way into the dishes that I had prepared. Watching her happily chomping her way through three fish fingers last night for dinner (unseen before) was one of the highlights of my weekend. She even ate a veggie pasta dish that I made - I went back to basics and blended the sauce, as she refuses pasta so often these days. 

When she was ill she ate barely a thing for 2 weeks and was a bit slow getting back into it. She wasn't even eating much breakfast, which is usually the one meal of the day that she is happiest about. 

We were given some rather yummy Green and Blacks organic cocoa powder for Christmas, so Sam sprinkled a little of it on top of Eve's Ready Brek one morning. Eve absolutely loved it and now calls this particular breakfast 'Chocolate Magic.' The good thing is that this cocoa powder doesn't have any sugar in it, it's just pure ground cocoa. 

After having my Saturday afternoon coffee (I've never been a tea/coffee drinker as caffeine affects me quite badly), I flew off into serious productivity and re-arranged our lounge. I have a coffee on a Saturday afternoon as it gives me the power to stay up for a few extra hours with Sam so that we can watch a movie and have a some drinks together. 

It seems that we re-arrange our house every 3 months or so to cater for Eve's needs and requirements. We moved a small cupboard downstairs to stash away some of her toys. We also moved her art table to create a more accessible area where she can find the things that she wants to play with. 

Her toy area gets a bit too much for my mind sometimes and I just have to tidy and make changes to it, we're very lucky to have such a great variety of toys and games for her.

Image by

Yesterday afternoon I remembered that I had bought Eve a new pack of pens from the Poundshop. She was very excited and came to sit with me at the table to do some drawing. I bought a pack of paper men for her at Easter but she was too ill to use them. We had a lovely time drawing on them, and when Daddy came downstairs from working in the studio he also joined in the fun and drew a pumpkin man. I loved watching Eve carefully drawing the eyes, nose, and mouth. She even drew hair and a chin on one of them. As an art student I was super impressed and very proud of her.

She did get very messy this weekend, covering herself in black and pink ink which was fine as it meant that she was excited to go for a bubble bath last night. I told her to give Daddy a kiss as it was time for us to go upstairs. She ran over to him and kissed him and then flung out her arms to hug him. She then told him how much she loved him and that he was a 'good girl' - she meant good boy of course. As we proceeded to try to get upstairs for the bath, she kept running back to him and hugging him. It was the biggest show of love, and Sam and I both had happy tears in our eyes.

I took Eve on a couple of walks into the woods this weekend. Well, when I say walks, I walked and she slept in the pram. The weather was lovely for walking and I really enjoyed breathing in the fresh air and grounded myself for the week ahead. I'm already worrying about missing Eve next week whilst I'm away, but Granny T is coming to stay to collect her from nursery, so I know that they'll have a great time together.

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