Monday 4 July 2016

Old Friends and Pea Podders

Eve, Jake, Sarah and new baby Ben

Sam arrived home from Germany to a very happy daughter on Friday evening, and just made it for Eve's bed time. He brought her back a present, which she was very pleased with, and me even more so; her first Playmobil! It was the Rabbit hutch with pen - we helped her to put some of the little pieces together and told her the names of some of the items. She loves the tiny rabbits and took them all to bed with her inside the hutch.

I was a bit worried about her having the tiny bits in bed so I nipped up to remove the hutch and rabbits once she had fallen asleep. When she woke on Saturday morning, she asked me where it was. I told her that I had put it downstairs where it was safe. She looked at me in disdain and shock and told me to go and get it ;-)

She then happily played with it in bed whilst I went back to sleep for an hour - hurrah.

Daddy had a lie in whilst I prepped our stuff for Granny Lop's house that morning. Sam was booked to DJ for a friend's wedding on Saturday night, and Granny had said that we could stay at her house whilst she was away on a trip.

Eve was disappointed that Granny, Truby and the dogs weren't there, but she had a lovely time looking at the fish in the pond, and playing with Granny's Playmobil motorbike that she spied.

Eve's first Kinder Egg

After lunch at Granny's we set out to Drayton to visit our friends who had just moved house - they are total pro's at parenting - Sarah gave birth to their new baby in the car outside of the hospital last Friday, and three days later moved house, wowsers. I loved hearing of the quick birth - fills me with hope for the future...

We stopped at a supermarket to get some provisions for dinner. Eve was very good and held Daddy's hand as we walked around the shop. Of course she saw a pink Kinder Egg and was very keen to have one. We thought it was ok for a treat and gave it to her in the car - Eve and the car seat were covered in melted chocolate by the time we arrived at Sarah and Cherry's house, but oh, ce la vie, eh.

Daddy, Eve, baby Ben, Sarah and Jake

Jake and Eve are only two months apart and have been buddies since they were born. Even though they hadn't seen each other for almost a year they played beautifully together, along with Arthur (who starts school in September). It was the highlight of my weekend seeing their happy faces as they ran about the garden excitedly kicking footballs. They all adored playing with the Thomas the Tank Engine train set in the playroom too.

Vicky and Arthur

Arthur, Jake and Eve playing in the conservatory playroom

Another first - Eve's first ice pop

I really enjoyed catching up with our old friends. Chilling out in Sarah and Cherry's garden was amazing, I felt so relaxed. Having a good chin-wag with Sarah and Vicky was great - I don't see girlfriends much these days, and really appreciate it when I get the chance. I wish that we lived closer to them, so that we could hang out like that more often. Now that Eve is getting older I think this kind of thing is getting easier to manage.

After dinner at Granny's house, Sam and I took Eve upstairs and told her that we were going to make a camp bed together. She enjoyed making a bed on the floor but refused to have a bath, which I didn't mind as I had it instead. It took her a while to settle down to go to sleep, and I lay with her on the camp bed for a while thinking that may help. But she had a sore tummy - the product of the sugar overload from the afternoon no doubt. But once she had used the potty she felt much better and fell asleep. No more Kinder Eggs and ice pops for a while I think...

Whilst Sam was out DJing I indulged in one of my guilty pleasures and watched the Kardashians on Granny Lop's tv (we only have a basic tv package at home) with a glass of wine.

Sunday was spent at home. Sam was exhausted from his travels so he played with Eve whilst I pottered about. It was warm and sunny so we took Eve into the front garden to harvest the first of the peas. Last year we grew tomatoes, which was fun, but really labour intensive with watering. So I decided against them this year and grew peas instead. I had a vision of Eve podding them and couldn't resist. Podding and eating fresh peas is such a wonderful thing. It's also a great way for kids to learn about food, how it grows and where it comes from; a base that leads to many aspects of life.

The pea podders

We had great fun podding the peas at the kitchen table. As Eve tried to pod the peas they were popping off all over the place, which she found hilarious!

After the podding I picked some sweet peas from the pot in the garden, and also harvested the lavender. I grow everything in pots as we have a small front and back garden, both of which are concrete and pebbles. The flowers made the kitchen smell delightful. Small Mama pleasures.

Dressed up for the Alice in Wonderland party

Today, nursery is holding 'Alice in Wonderland' day. Other little girls had proper Alice outfits on, but this outfit was the best I could do. I didn't want to buy something that would only be worn once. This dress is super cute and was given to Eve by my sister. She hadn't worn it before, so I thought that this party was an ideal occasion. The blue Alice band was given to Eve from Granny Lops and was the perfect item to transform her into Alice.

Eve was completely thrilled at getting dressed up for the party at nursery and sat eagerly on my lap this morning as I dressed her. She even let me do her hair without any fuss. I can't wait to collect her this evening and see how she enjoyed the day.

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