Thursday 11 August 2016

Playtime with Jago

 Jago and Eve's tea party

It's been a busy week so I'm just getting round to updating various things online, phew. Last weekend, whilst Daddy was away DJing at Wilderness Festival, Granny T came to Bristol to babysit my nephew Jago.

I walked across sunny Bristol with Eve on Saturday morning to my sister's house in Southville. Eve got out of the pram whilst we waited at the front door for Granny to answer. When she opened the door Eve jumped up and down and was very excited to see her and Jago.

Jago and Eve quickly got to work playing in the back garden in the sandpit and with a beach ball. This was quite short lived as Eve demanded that they go and play in the lounge together with the tea set. One of Eve's main loves is making tea party's and Jago was interested at first, but rather quickly became disillusioned with it.

Enjoying the tea party

Waiting patiently for Eve to finish with the tea party ;-)

Granny had brought a brilliant new toy for Jago - the wooden car slide above. Eve had great fun playing with it. It was a really hot day, so we ate lunch inside and then slowly wandered down to Greville Smyth playground.

Greville Smyth playground, Southville

It's a brilliant playground and has a few different sections suited towards various age groups. There is even a bit for teenagers/adults where you can swing about on crazy contraptions. I can't wait to get down there with Sam one day for play time...

(This photo was not taken by me)

Lots of fun on the bouncy chair

We finished off our afternoon with an ice cream under a shady tree, then we wandered back down North Street, away from the many football fans that were heading towards Bristol City ground.

Happiness is this.

For the past few weeks Eve has lapsed backwards with potty training during the night time. She was doing brilliantly with it for quite a few weeks and then suddenly got into a bad habit of having accidents almost each night. Thankfully, Granny T had been working on a new duvet cover for Eve. So, when Granny left it for us at the weekend I let Eve help me make the bed with it and explained that she had to be very careful during the night time. There was no accident that night, hurrah.

She was a bit on and off with accidents for the next few days, but last night for the first time in weeks she called me at 1.30am to use the potty. Daddy had told her to try to use it herself, which she she did try to do about a week ago. But in the dark and in her sleepiness she got out of bed the wrong side and didn't make it to the potty in time, which was fair enough really.

Here is a random, but lovely photo I took of College Green, Bristol the other day :-)

Since receiving the new duvet cover and having time over the weekend, I've rearranged Eve's room from that of a toddler to one of a little girl. Her bed is now against the wall, making getting up to use the potty/toilet easier. We have been given another bookcase, which has been put to immediate use in Eve's room. She just loves books and they are constantly all over the place. It was nice to be able to have a shower on Sunday morning, listening to Eve sat on the floor in her bedroom playing with her toys. 

I even found time to go through bin liners full of handed down clothes from Eve's older cousin Lottie, which have been hung in the wardrobe, or are already being loved and worn to nursery. (This is good for me, for about a year all of Eve's clothes were on an armchair in the lounge!) Oh my girl is growing up so fast.

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