Tuesday 30 August 2016

Bank Holiday Love

Daddy and Eve on the way to Windmill Hill City Farm

The long bank holiday weekend has been good to us. Our old pal Jamie came to visit on Saturday. He works for the Australian Navy and we hadn't seen him for 6 years, so we had a great time catching up. It was pretty chilled, just our usual park-life existence :-)

Eve loved having a new playmate, and shouted and waved goodbye to Jamie as he left early on Sunday morning. It really has been the 'year of the Aussies' for family Fergusson!

Nigella Damascena - almost dry, awaiting seed collection - such a satisfying activity.

Along with a jolly good bit of pottering about at home; which involved tidying the garden and watering my many houseplants, we took Eve to Windmill Hill City Farm on Sunday after lunch.

Watching the guinea pigs

Daddy and Eve

Family reflection

We enjoyed wandering about the allotments together, and were particularly keen on watching the goats, guinea pigs and cows.

On Monday morning we nipped down to Asda together. Whilst we were there Eve spied a ruler/set square set and some Pritt Stick and was keen to have them.

We treated her to them so that she could use them in her multi-media art creations.

She had a lovely time with Daddy making collages and drawings. 

Eve adores watching Peppa Pig on the laptop and on tv, and we let her watch a fair bit on the weekends (how can we say no when we like to do similar, and after all, it is educational). But art works, music and nature walks are the musts on our agenda.

The reason for our trip to Asda was to buy some of the dreaded Pull Ups. I am so against these things, and didn't want to use them at all during potty training. I'm pretty sure they are confusing for kids and give them conflicting information, but here we are anyway. Ugh.

Eve was doing brilliantly with potty training, and I thought we had it in the bag. She is fine throughout the day and during naps. However, after weeks of doing fine at night she started having accidents almost on a nightly occurrence. The past couple of months I've spent a lot of time worrying, and even more time getting sheets washed to hang out before heading to work early each morning. 

I'm really not sure that Pull Ups are a good idea at this stage, but it started to appear that Eve can't quite handle going through the night without some kind of nappy (even if I get her out of bed and on the potty multiple times). I checked her at 10pm last night before I went to bed and she was dry. But when we got up at 6am, she looked at the bed to tell me it was dry, but I had to point out to her that her 'pants' were wet. She realised that she had still had an 'accident' during the night and told Daddy about it when we saw him at breakfast time.

This multi-media project with dad was great fun.

Eve is not keen to try using a 'big girl toilet' either. Nursery tried her with it last week and she became very upset. We tried to see if she would use it over the course of the weekend but she was adamant that she would only use the potty.

This morning, nursery told her that they had special stickers for her if she used the toilet. I'm hoping that when this comes together a bit more it will also help during the night time. Then we can say cheerio to the Pull Ups. It's a time of change for our girl. Pre-school officially starts next week though she has been there each day for the past week or so. Some of her key friends have been away on holiday during August and another one has just moved to Hong Kong. Eve is apprehensive at first when arriving at nursery, but I know that she takes it all in her stride once she gets fully involved. Autumn is here, September starts in a couple of days time - to new beginnings!

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