Monday 16 May 2016

Dandelion O'Clock

Clenching her fists, trying to blow with all her might!

The sun has been shining so we've been wandering around the area where we live this weekend. Eve is going through a brilliant eating phase at the moment - even eating omelettes, which is a real relief. I'm hoping that it might be due to the fact that bathroom situations are easier lately. Mama's raw super bars have been doing the world of good.

On Saturday morning my sister, Claire and her little boy Jago popped over for an hour. Jago is talking more now and is a funny little chap. Him and Eve had a great time charging about playing. 

One evening, when I arrived home from work last week, our front garden was completely covered in dandelion seed heads. I've never seen anything like it. There were huge bundles of it all over the place. It looked almost like frog spawn. As our upstairs windows were open, the seeds - or fairies - as I told Eve - had floated in as well.

When we walked into the cemetery after lunch we saw a large expanse of dandelions. Eve was absolutely delighted when Daddy showed her how to blow them to disperse the seeds. 

Daddy and Eve walking through Arnos Vale Cemetery

Lovely wild garlic out in full force

We walked through the woods to Arnos Vale playground. Lately Eve has become a bit cautious about going on playground equipment. I think the more knocks, bumps and bruises she gets she realises that it is possible to get hurt. But we stuck with her on the slide and by the time we left the playground she had conquered her fear and was obviously very happy.

When we got home we pulled out our camp chairs and put them in the back garden. Eve just loved sitting in them. We looked at magazines together which was fun.

Mummy and Eve chilling on camp chairs

We left Eve singing in bed when the babysitter arrived that evening. Eve had had a happy day so I was pretty sure that she would go to sleep ok, but was a tiny bit anxious.

We jumped in a cab and hot-footed it over to the Hippodrome. We arrived with the 5 minute curtain call, so we were lucky that we just made it.

We watched Derren Brown perform his 'Miracle' show. It was completely amazing, thought provoking and inspiring. I won't go into details, as he asked us not to mention it online, so that the outcome is not ruined for other theatre-goers. 

All I'll say is that the show was very moving and it made me cry. Sam and I got a bus home, had a quick drink in a nearby bar and then walked down the road to our house. Just as we approached the front door I saw a shooting star! A good omen for the future...

Music time in the garden

On Sunday we drew a hopscotch diagram in our back garden. We had fun drawing pictures with chalk and generally chilled out at home - we were feeling a bit worse for wear after Derren Brown, but still managed a relaxed stroll through the woods whilst Eve slept.

Daddy and Eve enjoying the camp chairs

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