Tuesday 3 May 2016

Trips and Adventures

Last weekend in the park, before I went to Italy

This past week I've spent five nights away from Eve; the longest time that we've been apart so far. I think I was worrying about it more before I left, but found it much easier once I had actually gone. This was mainly due to the knowledge that she was in good hands, being looked after by Daddy and Granny T.

                                                 Il Gatto Negro, Cernobbio, Como, Italy

My trip to Cernobbio on the edge of Lake Como was tiring but very fun; a few too many late nights - but hey, I rarely get to venture outside in the evening these days. I had a great time catching up with various people from the industry, and went out for some lovely meals, as well partying in a club in Como.

It was, however, the coldest weather I've experienced there over the past 7 years. It's usually about 20-25 degrees during this week of the year, but this time it was really cold with an icy wind for the majority of the week. The sun began shining on the last day, so we managed to catch some rays whilst eating lunch at Harry's Bar on the edge of the lake, before flying back to Britain.

Moody Lake Como

Whilst I was away I spoke to Sam, Granny T and Eve on Facetime each morning. Sam told me that Eve was doing brilliantly and wasn't causing a fuss at all. It was lovely to see them to say good morning each day - we are so lucky with communications these days.

We had a bit of a bumpy descent and landing at Heathrow that evening, and the whole time that I was scared I was envisioning myself waking up the next morning to hear Eve singing in bed. When I woke up in my own bed the next day, with this as my reality I felt overjoyed. I went into Eve's room and she looked up at me and said, 'My mummy is home, hooray!' 

Ehsen, Eve and Bob the Builder

It's been absolute bliss being with Eve each day for the long bank holiday weekend. On Saturday we went to Playspace in St. Phillips for her friend, Ehsen's second birthday party. Her other goods friends from nursery were also there; Taro and Daniel. It was great watching them play together. When we collect her from nursery the kids are all winding down from the day's events, so seeing them interacting together was most amusing.

Eve and Taro - Sometimes the only thing that gets Eve in the pram each morning
 to go to nursery is the thought of playing with Taro and his cars...

I tried to take Eve on the big slide but she was too scared, though she loved this little one. We ventured into the older children's areas a couple of times but it generally ended in tears. I'm glad that she likes to have a go at everything, but being one of the lads is sometimes a bit too much for her.

After serious playtime mania we headed upstairs for the children's party lunch. It was really nice to chat to the parents of the other kids. 

For the first time we saw Eve thoroughly enjoy an ice cream. On previous attempts she burst into tears because it was too cold. She was also ridiculously thrilled with a pink balloon that she brought home.

After the party Eve fell asleep as soon as we put her in the car. She was absolutely exhausted but was obviously very happy.

Happy days - a mini milk and a balloon is all you need.

On Sunday morning Eve came downstairs with the pink balloon, which she had kept in her room all night. Suddenly she started to catch it as she played with Daddy. We've been throwing balls and balloons to her for sometime but it seems that the penny finally dropped. Not sure if she had dreamt about catching the balloon that night, but the effects seemed quite immediate.

Andy's Dinosaur Adventures - Cbeebies

After breakfast we caught the bus into town. Daddy and I had already told Eve that we were going on a 'dinosaur adventure,' so she was excited about our trip, especially as we were going to meet cousin Jago there. However, when we tried to get her dressed for the trip she told us that she was scared of the 'magic clock,' and asked if Daddy would look after her?

The magic clock takes you back in time to when dinosaurs ruled the earth.

We reassured her that we wouldn't see any 'real' dinosaurs and that really we were going to the museum, where she would see lots of interesting things. Eve is a big fan of Andy's Dinosaur Adventures on Cbeebies, so we thought it would be fun. I used to take Eve to Bristol City Museum quite a bit when she was a baby - I used to push her round the various exhibits for hours, as she wouldn't sleep in the cot at home.

Looking in a magnifying glass in the kids area of Bristol City Museum.

Eve and Jago drawing dinosaurs.

We had a wonderful time wandering about the museum, looking at various artefacts. At one point Daddy pointed out this Plateosaurus skeleton to Eve and she literally jumped in shock. This made us both laugh :-)

Bristol City Museum

Eve loved playing on the steps with Daddy. It must be very liberating being able to do the actions that it takes them a while to learn.

Sam and I were both very proud of her, as she was so well behaved in the museum.

En route to the taxidermy section I shouted to Daddy and Eve that I had found the magic clock. Eve looked very uncertain about it, but Daddy said that we should take a photo.

I was pleased that Eve conquered her fear, even though she looked so worried. Later on she happily told us that, 'the magic clock's not scary,' it's so great to get past these blocks in life.

Bristol City Museum's own magic clock

The weather was holding out, so after a good stint round the museum we headed down to College Green to check out the start of Bristol Food Connections.

Claire and Jago, me, Sam and Eve at Bristol Food Connections on College Green.
We had a picnic whilst listening to a samba band which was great fun. Both Eve and Jago got their groove on. Then we headed to Bordeaux Quay on the harbour for a well deserved espresso martini whilst the children slept. We hadn't been there for ages - it used to be one of our old haunts, the bread and olives there are in my top 5 in Briz.

My g&t was the size of dear Jago's head.

Last night it took us a while to get Eve to go to sleep. I finally realised that she was worried that I was going to go away again. I reassured her that my trip was done and then she began to settle down. Spending time with my girl this weekend has been amazing. She fills my heart with joy and I feel truly thankful that we are back together.

Mummy and Eve exhausted on Bank Holiday Monday after the weekend shenanigans.

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