Thursday 2 June 2016

Granny Lops Comes to Stay

Eve and Granny reading bedtime stories

Granny Lops popped down to see us on the train yesterday. Unfortunately it was a bit grey and cold, but it didn't rain which was good. For the first day of '30 Days Wild' we walked through the woods together. Granny showed Eve some fun ways to play with different grasses. 

We walked through the cemetery and had a leisurely lunch at Boca Bar. Eve was very good and sat in a highchair chomping down slices of pizza whilst we chatted and caught up on things.

When we got home we relaxed whilst dinner was prepped. Eve gave Granny a concert before bed, singing into her microphone and dancing about the lounge which was funny.

I gave Eve a bath and read some stories to her in bed. When I tucked her in and turned out the light she said, 'I like Granny Lops, can you get her please?' This was so cute. I'm so glad that our parents are a big part of Eve's life, as my Grandpa lived in America, so we didn't see him often when we were small.

This morning whilst Eve and I were getting ready for nursery I turned on the Nutribullet (which is very loud) to make a smoothie. Eve looked up from her breakfast and said, 'Excuse me, I'm trying to drink my milk!' ;-)

She was a bit sad at having to leave Daddy and Granny Lops at home, but we told her that Granny had to go home on the train to look after Truby and the dogs. So, by the time I dropped Eve off at nursery she was happy.

Sam and I were very proud of her yesterday, she behaved so well in front of Granny. A successful day hurrah...

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