Tuesday 7 June 2016

Picnics N Playtime

Eve and Jago with skittle microphones

We've had a corker of a weekend. The sun was blazing and we enjoyed being out n about in beautiful Briz. My mum was babysitting Jago on Saturday whilst his parents were away at a party, so Eve and I headed over to see them. Eve was desperate to play with Jago in the garden.

We didn't stay for long as it was quite hot, but I just loved chilling out with my nephew - he is such a little heart-throb, and posed for photos...


On Sunday morning Daddy and Eve enjoyed building a 'Game of Thrones' Megabloc fortress together whilst I prepped a picnic. The weather was set to be 25 degrees so we decided to drive over to St. Andrews Park for lunch.

Eve's Game of Thrones Megabloc fortress

By the time we managed to persuade Eve to get dressed, it was midday by the time that we arrived. It was with great joy that we sauntered into the stunning city park. Before Eve arrived, Sam and I used to go there frequently to chill out together or for fun with big groups of friends. I used to take Eve there most weeks when she was a baby for picnics and padding. We have a lot of happy memories of St. Andrews. However, it's a bit of a trek from our house in Knowle, so we hadn't been there for a couple of years.

For the first time we took Eve into the older kids section of the playground where there is a pirate ship. Eve absolutely loved playing but we had to keep dipping back to the shade of the trees as it was so hot.

The pirate ship

We took Eve's bubble wand to the park with us. Sam started using it and within seconds kids from all around ran over shrieking, trying to catch bubbles. It was very amusing. We also bumped into a couple of friends with their kids so it was a really lovely. We took Eve to the outdoor kids paddling pool to try and encourage her with the water, but she didn't want to go anywhere near it.

Daddy and Eve

I paddled and pointed out our friends child, George, who was having a great time in the pool. But Eve got upset and said that she wanted to go home. So, we had another go in the playground, and then Daddy treated her to her first Peppa Pig ice cream. Peppa Pig is Eve's favourite thing, she would watch it solidly all day, everyday if we let her ;-)

Peppa Pig

Daddy and Eve - tickles

We left the park when it became too hot and busy in the afternoon, and headed home for a walk through the shady woods by our house. And whilst Eve slept in her pram we cracked open some nice cold beers in the garden. Pure bliss, such a relaxing Sunday, thank you Universe! :-)

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